serverchkr - Powerful Server Uptime Monitoring
A general purpose member of the Appchkr family of products
Advanced Uptime Checking, Alerting and Reporting for servers of all types.
High power uptime monitoring
- Reduce downtime with real-time alerting
- Restore operation quickly with accurate diagnostics from real-time logs and reports, including...
- ...Interactive downtime diagnosis
- Easily group servers into logical groups for summary reporting.
- Swift, simple and easy set up
- Alert to syslog option
- Streamline Operations: serverchkr integrates seamlessly with other systems.
- Install now FREE
More download choices.
- Save money: FREE FOREVER for 10, just pennies per month per
target for more.
- Save time: Set it and forget it -- Maintenance-free.
What is a target?
- One target is one networked application running on one machine and listening on one port.
- That program running on 10 machines constitutes ten targets.
- Ten instances of that program (on ten different ports) running on one machine likewise constitute ten targets.
- If that application uses two ports, both of which need to be checked, it constitutes two targets.
- Upgradable to full appchkr power at any time.
Serverchkr checks uptime on...
- HTTP, HTTPS web servers (Apache, Nginx, IIS, others),
- Proxy servers, App servers, load balancers,
- Mail Exchangers and servers (Postfix, MSExchange, others),
- SMTP, POP/IMAP servers,
- FTP, SFTP servers,
- File, print servers,
- SSH, telnet servers,
- Database servers,
- Directory servers (LDAP, ActiveDirectory),
- Domain Controllers,
- Game servers,
- Blog servers,
- And any other TCP networked server.
- Yours - Try it...
Serverchkr checks uptime on targets running on...
- Linux, all versions,
- Windows, all versions,
- UNIXes of all flavors,
- And on any other TCP networked system...
- ...Both inside and outside of your local network.
- Check your most critical systems - Buy it...
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