Appchkr Uptime Monitoring Software
Advanced Features of the Appchkrs
Intro to the Appchkr family of software
Appchkrs Power Above...
Available in all Appchkrs...
- Instant startup with self-configuration
- Intuitive, easy-to-use control interface
- Realtime at-a-glance red/
green summary status display
- Realtime alerts and status pages
- Fully configurable text (SMS) and email teams alerting
- Selectable checking interval from 1 minute up
- Very high reliability, with heartbeat capability
- Rapid configuration with global defaults and individual exceptions
- On-the-fly dynamic (real-time) configuration change - no monitoring interruption
- Total schedule flexibility for all monitoring, alerting and reporting
- Flexibility thru multiple separately-configured instances†
- Realtime snapshot status and summary reports
- Precise, accurate, up and downtime reporting
- Selectable uptime summary data periods
- Comprehensive defaulting for fast, easy configuration
- Configuration difference alerting on dynamic change
- Configuration error alerting
- Remote reporting and control via any web browser
- Fully self-documenting commandline-based daemon core
- Managed from the commandline, by web browser, or both.
- Unlimited number of free users of the web-interface
- Continuous unattended checking
- Prioritizable checking, alerting, and reporting by target
- Independently variable checking and reporting timing
- Configurable log and report files self-maintenance
- False Alert and flooding prevention
- Quick, easy hold-off for temporary major outages
- Comprehensive logging for rapid fault diagnosis
- Connect time logging to the microsecond
- Automated dynamic license sharing among instances.†
Available only in the appchkr type and other leading types.
- Ultra-high reliability, with watchdog capability
- Separate administrative alerting list
- Checking by time interval or frequency
- Brandable Status Reports for user, customer and public viewing.
- Alert On Up option
- Syslog alerting option
- Additional or alternate reports by target groups
- Flexible user-defined target groups
- Versatile, simple bandwidth-use control
- Checking by numerical-IP-address-only option
- Automated target discovery and configuration†
- Interactive downtime diagnosis
- Realtime raw uptime data file for custom user analysis.
- Connect time latency alerting and reporting
- Internet performance tracking option
† Available only with a purchased license.
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