Inetchkr -- Powerful Internet Performance Tracking
An Exceptional member of the easy-to-use Appchkr family of products
Realtime alerts for Latency, Status, and Uptime of paths local or worldwide, with history too.
Track Internet Performance
- Easy to use, with power in reserve.
- Worldwide paths pre-configured = instant startup.
- Webmasters and Marketers: Gauge geographic reach instantly, accurately, and continuously.
- At-a-glance realtime red/
green summary status display.
- Instant accurate notification and diagnosis of problematic locations.
- Install now FREE
More download choices.
- Save money: FREE FOREVER for 10, just pennies per month per
target for more.
- Save time: Set it and forget it -- Maintenance-free.
What is a target?
- One target is one networked application running on one machine and listening on one port.
- That program running on 10 machines constitutes ten targets.
- Ten instances of that program (on ten different ports) running on one machine likewise constitute ten targets.
- If that application uses two ports, both of which need to be checked, it constitutes two targets.
- Easily customized.
- Upgrade anytime to full appchkr power.
- Integrates seamlessly with Slack, Teams, others.
Inetchkr monitors Internet performance anywhere.
- Worldwide,
- Europe,
- Asia,
- The Middle East,
- North America,
- Africa,
- Central and South America,
- Austrailia, New Zeland, and Oceania,
- Any desired geograpic area, including a metropolitan area, or your Intranet only.
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