Innovation + Implementation℠

Nova Software, Inc.

Physics Research and Sofware Products

Learn about our innovative physics research at "Beyond the Standard Model"...

Use our free Matrix-Math© software for Fast, Intuitive Matrix Calculations in Physics.

Understand our resolution of the Fermi Paradox.

Benefit from our Powerful, Easy-to-Use Networking Products for Users Worldwide.

Monitor uptime or Inet performance effortlessly:

Effortless Peak Performance.
Mountain peak [WJV]
appchkr - For No-Fuss Universal Monitoring
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networkchkr - Network uptime or
serverchkr - Server uptime
for struggle-free General Purpose uptime checking.
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dbchkr - Database uptime or
faciitychkr - Facility systems uptime or
securitychkr - Security systems uptime or
smbchkr - Small business systems uptime or
testchkr - Lab systems uptime
for Specialized uptime checking, simplified.
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Inetchkr - Internet performance tracking
for exceptional and easy Inet performance tracking.
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Nova Software does software consulting and custom software development.